Tag Archives: Runts

Happy Pills.

Hi all, we came across this quirky shop at the weekend called Happy Pills only based here in Barcelona. This shop is designed to look like a self-service pharmacy. Decide what mood your in and select your pills! Its a little bit of fun and if your ever in town pop in, choose your pot size, fill it with as many sweets as possible, choose from a selection of stickers to slap on it and ta-da…sugar rush heaven! The shelves of stored sweets is so nicely colour coordinated which makes it tough to choose between the blue shark chewy or the watermelon bubble gum! Oh and it stood by its word of making me ‘happy’, because they had Runts and Gobstoppers too- taking me back to my childhood.

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Happy Pills pharmacy

my sticker choice!-"Pink clouds for grey days"


First-aid kit!

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