Monthly Archives: June 2010

More mood boards.

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Filed under Pattern, photography, Texture

Souk searching.

I recently went on a souk crawl in Dubai searching for beautiful things. It was a scorcher of a day with 35+ degrees, shop vendors bartering left right and centre while taking in the endless amount of fabrics on sale, playful embroidered cushions, printed scarfs and much much more. I purchased a few and took some more snaps of the colourful surroundings, followed by a taxi boat ride across the creek to walk in-between the bustling streets towards the Gold souk, I did not last long though as the heat got the better of me. Nonetheless, I had a lovely morning and picked up a few goodies along the way.

N x

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Filed under Texture

Colour and Texture.

Hello all, here are a few more mini-moodboards ticking me over…….

N x

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Filed under Pattern, Texture