About me.

I graduated with a BA Hons in Printed Textiles from the Edinburgh College of Art in July 2005. I have worked as a Print designer in New York and London, catering for womenswear, menswear and interiors. I am now a freelance designer based in Barcelona. I follow both fashion and interior design closely and many of the designers I admire and gain inspiration from apply their creative hand in both these areas. I enjoy working across these different design disciplines which has lead me to apply my print to another product within Interiors and currently design my own Rugs which I hope will flourish and continue to teach me more and more about what I love.

I set up this blog after being inspired by so many things around me while on a World trip to Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand and Dubai, the United Arab Emirates. My passion for print and colour reinforces my dedication as a print designer and love for Textiles.  I will find print and pattern in anything! I decided this blog would be my online sketchbook, a visual diary of trends, colour, images, objects and my own work that makes me tick over. I’ve always kept a diary in one form or another and I am excited at the prospect of sharing this one with you. Some may think it is odd starting this at the end of my trip, however it has given me time to digest and dig through all those beauties that I picked up along the way and encouraged me to keep searching for more!

Sharing and discovering other blogs keeps me in the design loop and refuels my creativity. An image can speak volumes and as I come across other designers work or blog pages, it makes me think ‘I wish I could do that ‘,which in turn forces me to push my own personal boundaries.

N x



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