Monthly Archives: May 2010

My Rug Designs.

I recently had some rug designs and samples manufactured. 100% New Zealand wool, hand-tufted with beautiful colour. One of them was designed for a friend as a wedding gift which has spurred me on to work through a new series of rugs for 2010. I will post the final designs and sizes once completed and the costs will be on request. I hope you like them…….

N x

''Charlotte'' 1.5x2.4m Rug

''Charlotte'' 1.5x2.4m Rug

''Alejandra'' 1.5x2.2m Rug

Samples: ''Matilla'' 450x600mm and ''Pica'' 450x600mm


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Wearable Art.

Here are a few fab black and whites I would like to share….


Shots taken from a fashion book I bought in New Zealand.

My South American family-two generations back.17/2/1931.

Project Mega-Dubai.

 We went to an exhibition last night in Dubai called Project Mega. I liked the one above for the detail in the drawing. There were over 100 selected professional artists living and residing in the UAE that were asked to take part in this concept and customize the designer toy. It was interesting to see this region give birth to a new take on the urban art scene in the Middle East.

N x




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A Beautiful Weave.

I found this beautiful woven hat on a secluded beach in Bondi, on the Gold Coast of Australia. It was sitting on a rock by itself , who knows for how long. Although, long enough for it’s original green leaves to dry and create such lovely earthy tones. What a delightful and admirable thing to see.

N x

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Vintage in the U.A.E.

I recently read an article in Harper’s Bazaar Arabia about vintage style in the United Arab Emirates. I was happy to hear that there are more and more women in the region promoting a unique, vintage style. There  used to be a second hand store called ‘iSell’ in Dubai but unfortunately that closed and there is ‘Sugar Vintage’, a two year old clothing line inspired by collective vintage cuts and shapes sourced from around the world by two local Emirati women. Dubai has a long way to go before it is on par with the vintage market back in London or New York. However, it is refreshing to know as a designer who grew up in the emirates that it is a now becoming more creative.

Image taken from Harper's Bazaar article

 There are the most beautiful souks full of fabrics and colourful gems that make this new creative style more available to individuals. It is understandable that the idea of wearing old or second hand clothing would not appeal to a culture more predominantly known for its affluence, therefore ‘new’ is better than old, as well as the concern for ‘used’ items and hygiene. It makes this subject even more intriguing and for me these perceptions need to be challenged. This vintage concept is something that I believe will in time be embraced and then just maybe the demand will arrise. It excites me that Dubai has the potential as a developing country to expand further when it comes to fashion and design. I went out for a wander with this in mind and came across a beautifully printed kaftan. The print was not vintage but the use of something new that has been applied to a traditional garment dating back as far as the 14th century had its appeal.


On the subject of Vintage, I also came across an old clothing pattern with the slogan “for easier sewing use Simplicity Tracing Paper”. It is priced at  nz$1.40, which today would set you back a mere £0.65. I love the graphics and will be searching for more.

N x

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The first few.

Here are the first few snaps from my world tour. I love the way the different shapes and colours compliment each other. My inspiration often comes from grouping images like this and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. There will be more to come…..

N x

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Hello All,

Most of you will already know that our ‘Around the World’ trip has almost come to a close. It has been an incredible experience and I have subsequently taken an obscene amount of photographs with the aim to hold onto the everlasting memories. So, it got me thinking about the different things I have seen along the way, and I have decided to pull them together and set up my blog. Something along the lines of an online sketchbook, a collective of inspirational subjects that make me smile and reinforce my love for print and colour. x

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